It is with gravest regret and heightened anxiety that I, Allan R. Emery, join the world of bloggers. I have nothing against other bloggers unless they are shameless self-promoting gasbags intent on shucking unsuspecting web-surfers of their hard-earned cash. In other words the competition.
Why, you may ask, would I want to waste a good deal of my precious time farting around with a social medium that will most likely put me in direct contact with those least like me. There is a madness to my madness. I have lots to say and little to back it up. I think that makes me perfect for a blog!
I often wondered what a blog was. For years I heard the term bandied about by those more in-the-know than I, which was pretty much everybody, and I imagined it was like a man walking in a good deal of mud. Every step his boots would go blog, blog, blog. That's pretty much what writing this feels like. My legs feel like they are stuck in mud and typing the next word is a harrowing experience. I can only imagine reading it is similar. My apologies.
So for now I am going to close up shop and beat myself soundly about the head and ears, preparing for the sheer joy and happiness of having another blog to write soon. As bad as that sounds, this is actually a suicide note for all my readers! When they mysteriously disappear, spontaneously combust or just walk around drooling and catching flies, you will know they were here and they have tasted blog!